To the Passion of Malhavoc Epiphanes:
"We all
spend our time in the roles of mankind. Making your own story, pushing forward in your own way. Man’s story is exploitive,
a sweet refrain filled with blood and vengeance, with surround sound and fast choreography. There is the moment of big screen
blockbuster, where the story makes sense because we want it to make sense, and the problems are simple because we need them
to be simple. But these are stories shown to children, filled with morals and violence, pain and corruption, love, music,
and beauty but no substance. No humanity. But for a moment in every machine gun symphony the notes disappear and dissolve
into the fading memories meant for the unimportant, for the insignificant, for the artist. And from that memory all the messages
and moralities flee, leaving no music and no recollection, no meaning and recognition, no fear and no fury, but for the lone
and ever-present omnipresence of darkening, deafening nothingness. Man and God is silence."
LastLaftIndustries * 1 Militia Hill Drive * Wayne * US * 19087 * Site Music by
ES Posthumous and Zearle